Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Promise of Life

There are many things in this world that compete for my allegiance, time, money, and other resources. They promise me happiness and fulfillment if I only make them the focus of my affections. Still, I have learned that these are fleeting promises that blow away like leaves in the wind. Only Jesus Christ can fully satisfy the longings of my heart. It is only in His grace and mercy that I have the promise of eternal and abundant life with Him. Please, never settle for the stuff of this world. Instead, place your life in the hands of the One who loves you more than life itself. Give yourself to Jesus. He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. If you would like to know more about life in Jesus, please email me at

In His Grace,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rain Falls on Us All

As we continue to react to the horrific situation in Haiti, I am reminded of the sorrows closer to home. Today, one of our church members will say her final goodbyes to her sister. Yesterday, a daughter placed her mother in the care of hospice. And another church member just returned from Idaho where she spent several weeks with her terminally ill sister until she passsed. One thing I have learned about life is that you can't take it for granted. The sun shines bright in our lives, but the rain will also fall on us all. But as the rain falls, so does the loving grace of God into our hurting hearts. Even if my faith falters as the winds blow, I am so thankful that I stand on the strong foundation of His loving grace and mercy. Thank you Lord!

In His Grace,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pray For and Financially Support Haiti

This Sunday, January 17, there will be a special offering taken for relief efforts underway in Haiti following the tragic earthquake on Tuesday. Andrea Benton will also be sharing the latest updates of how things are at the orphanage and school near Cabaret. Please be in prayer for the people of Haiti and plan to give generously on Sunday.

In His Grace,


Friday, January 8, 2010

Two New Message Series

I am finishing up sermon prep for the first messages of two new series starting this Sunday, January 10.

In the mornings we will be walking through the beginnings of the church in a verse by verse study of Acts of the Apostles. The goal is to learn and apply the truth that our extraordinary God uses ordinary people to carry out His mission in the world.

In the evenings we will take a close up look at the kingdom parables of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel. We will be challenged and confronted by the powerful stories Jesus shared and learn how applicable they are still today.

As we begin this new year, let's make diving deeper into God's Word our top priority. Everything that concerns us in this life is dealt with in Scripture. These wonderful pages offer life transforming truth to those who read, learn, apply, and obey its contents. I hope to see you Sunday as we begin this journey through Acts and Matthew.

In His Grace,

Monday, January 4, 2010

Confessions of a Practical Atheist

This past Sunday, I preached out of James 4 and asked, "What is your life?" Of course James tells us that our life is nothing but a vapor - like your breath on a cold morning. We often get so caught up in the cares of this life. We make all these plans and dreams often without even seeking God's face. We never know what is coming around the bend, but we serve a God who does. I have to confess, that even though I do believe God is here, there are times that I live as if I don't. I have been a practical atheist. How about you? Have you already figured 2010 out? Have your plans, dreams, career, etc become your focus? Or have you surrendered everything to the Lordship of Jesus Christ? Decide right now to make every day this year count by giving every day to Him.

In His Grace,