Friday, October 30, 2009

He Turns Our Mourning Into Dancing

Earlier this week, seven year old Somer Thompson was laid to rest. We continue to pray for her family and the Orange Park community that has shared this tragic loss. We also pray for those investigating her murder - that they quickly will find the one responsible and bring that person to justice.

There will be another funeral this coming Monday. I have had the great pleasure of getting to know Bill over the past few months. He had been battling cancer for a long time with great courage and strength. We had many conversations about his military career, his love for his family, and his deep faith in God. He knew, without a shadow of doubt, that his life was in God's hands and that the cross of Christ covered him. Bill trusted in God's sovereignty and grace which allowed him to die with peace. I would visit Bill with the intention of ministering to him, but it usually went the other way around. Please pray that his 94 year old mother will be covered in God's peace and strength as she buries her son. Pray for his wife and children as they face the upcoming days.

May we all come to the realization that life is only a vapor. We are not promised another day. What matters most is that we trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Have you had a saving encounter with Jesus? Email me, I would love to share this beautiful truth with you.

In His Grace,


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Praying for Somer

Even though I'm a pastor out at the beach, we still live in the Orange Park area of Clay County. Most of you have heard about the seven year old girl who has been missing since Monday afternoon. Her name is Somer Thompson and she lives about five miles from us. Please join me in prayer for Somer, her family, and all those who are searching for her.

In His Grace,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Word of God Speak

I began a new sermon series yesturday on Christian doctrine based on the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 edition. Throughout October and November we will dive into the Truths that have marked us as followers of Christ. Yesturday, we focused on the Bible, God's Holy Word in 2 Timothy 3:10-17. Check out this link to see a great video, Word of God Speak by Mercy Me. May we find ourselves at a loss for words, listening to God speak through His Word.
Next Sunday is the first of three weeks dedicated to the Triune God. Check out our web site to listen or download these and other sermons.

In His Grace,