Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life of a Commuting Pastor

When our friends found out that I was going to pastor a church out at the beach, they were like, "I wish I could live near the beach." That's exactly how we feel! We have been commuting back and forth five days a week from our Middleburg home (Which is for rent if you know anybody looking) since starting in mid June. It is not all that bad, really. God has used the forty minute drive to teach me a lot about patience - I'm still in the learning process. I definitely have a new respect for those who do this year after year. This time has put a strong desire within me to live among our church members and be a part of the beach community. Anne is enrolled in a PreK at the beach and we are in the process of transferring Jarod into a school here as well. We are waiting for our house to rent - please pray this will happen soon and that we will find a house here at the beach. In the mean time, I will try to be nice as I drive down the commuting pastor's highway!

In His Grace,