Friday, May 7, 2010

Total Surrender

As I study and preach through Philippians, Paul's determination for the Gospel amazes me. Already he has suffered much loss in his life due to due preaching the offensive message of the cross. In fact he is chained to a Roman prison guard as he writes this powerful letter to the church in Philippi. Paul writes in the first chapter, "For to me to live is Christ." In Colossians Paul also wrote, "When Christ who is our life appears, then you will appear with Him in glory." Paul's life was wrapped up in Christ. He understood and lived out total surrender.

When we come to Christ we are to leave behind our old lives and follow Him, much like Peter, Andrew, James, and John as they left their nets to become fishers of men. We are to surrender all of who we are to Christ and look to Him alone as our provider. No one has ever partially surrendered, it's all or nothing. How can we say we have trusted Christ as our Savior if we haven't surrendered to Christ as our Lord? He must be both.

In His Grace,

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