Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On Being Missional

This past Saturday, several of us PrayerWalked the communities around Ocean Park. We prayed for the spiritual, physical, financial, relational, and emotional needs of those who live all around us. It was a powerful experience for all of us. What impacted me the most was when we were able to hold conversations with people as they worked in their yards. I told one man in particular that I was pastor of Ocean Park Baptist Church. He had no clue where the church was. I had to use a local car wash as a landmark before he recognized our location. This man lives less than two miles from the church.

Being missional means we see ourselves as missionaries where God has placed us. We are to live sent. Sent to our families. Sent to our neighborhoods. Sent to our jobs. Sent to our schools. Jesus has called us all to impact our worlds with His gospel. He has called Ocean Park to impact South Jacksonville Beach. I pray that as we live sent, the people around us will no longer need a landmark to recall where Ocean Park is. I pray that Jesus is proclaimed here and throughout the world. Let us make His name known!

In His Grace,

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