Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Occasionally, someone will ask, “Russell, what do you do all week?” I usually just smile and give a quick summary of an average week in the life of a pastor. After all, pastors do take on many roles of ministry and service. We can become very busy with ministry planning, leadership development, administrative details, visiting, making phone calls, counseling, performing funerals and weddings, attending denominational functions, and several other meaningful, yet time consuming pastoral tasks. If I am not careful, I can allow these vital roles to squeeze time away from the most important pastoral functions – prayer and preaching. I go back to Acts 6:4 quite often as a reminder of why I am ultimately here. Christ has called me to give myself “continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Quality times of prayer and focused study of Scripture are essential before I can ever effectively preach His Word. I am so very thankful for the opportunity to serve Christ in this way, here with you, at Ocean Park.

There will be fliers and posters for our Health Fair outreach available this Sunday. Please consider taking a few to your favorite local restaurants, stores, and other places you frequent. You can also share some with neighbors in your community and take some to work or school. Please be in prayer as we seek to reach out to the Beaches Community. Pray that lives will be saved through the health screenings and more importantly, through the sharing of the gospel.

I hope to see you this Sunday as we worship our glorious King and open our hearts to His word as we continue our study of Christianity According to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7.

In His Grace,

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