Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wow – what a great day we had last Sunday during our 2nd Annual Missions Celebration. Josh and Amy Bowman (IMB) did an excellent job sharing their missionary adventures during our Sunday School hour and Josh challenged us from Acts 20 to “testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Continue praying for the Bowman’s as they prepare for their next assignment. Also, as part of our Mission Celebration, Cami and Andrea opened an ApParent Project Jewelry Store made up of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings made by Haitian men and women from recycled cereal boxes. Yesterday, Cami sent a check for over $600 to Haiti as payment to the artisans. We learned earlier that the cost of one necklace feeds a family in Haiti for a week. Cami has ordered another box of jewelry and the store will be open again this Sunday. This is a powerful ministry – helping to keep families in Haiti together through training and ongoing employment.
Another big part of our Missions Celebration was the continuation of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, which goes through December 26. Our church goal is $2,000 and as of Sunday, we are only $100 shy of the goal. Let’s strive to continue in our generosity towards this offering, and also our ongoing giving through Ocean Park. Let’s end this year and begin the next focused on giving generously and serving generously as the Lord leads.
This Sunday, we will be blessed by several beautiful Christmas specials and congregational singing. I will continue sharing from God’s word, The Mission of Christmas. I hope to see you then!

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