Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bad News, Good News

This past Sunday evening, I preached from Micah concerning the announcement of judgment on the people of Judah and Israel due to their continual sin against God. Micah did not come to warn them to stop this sin, but to tell them it was too late – judgment was imminent. Then, in chapter five, Micah shared some great news about the One who was to come years later. This One, Micah shared, was “from everlasting” and this “One shall be peace.” While he was proclaiming impending doom and gloom, Micah also shared about the coming of Jesus Messiah. Grace is the good news that comes after the bad. The bad news is we are sinners who deserve death and everlasting judgment in hell. The good news is Jesus died on a cross in our place to forgive our sins and rose again to give us eternal life in Him. To be a Christian, one must face the bad news through repentance before salvation comes through the good news of His grace.

In His Grace,

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