Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Beginning

As 2009 dwindles away, I can't help but feel excited about 2010. Every new year is an opportunity to start fresh, but this is the beginning of a new decade! I am trusting that God has great things in store for us we walk in His ways and seek His face. I will soon begin preaching from the the book of Acts on Sunday mornings. We will get a close up look at what the church was like in her early stages. We will see the excitement of how God used ordinary people to turn the world upside down with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that we can experience a new beginning here at Ocean Park as 2010 begins.

In His Grace,

Monday, December 21, 2009

Reflections on the Stomach Flu

I spent Saturday and Sunday at home wondering why my stomach was so mad at me. It is hard for a preacher to sit at home on a Sunday. God has given me a passion to preach His word, but I guess it's OK to be sick every once in a while. On Saturday, Jarod (who was also sick) and I watched episodes IV, V, and VI of Star Wars. On Sunday, Cami came home from Illinois where she attended her cousin's funeral. We were all glad to see her, but she was very reluctant to see us. I was sorry to miss the Christmas Musical in the morning and I was blessed to have Bro. Eddie step in for me on Sunday Evening. I am very wound up, so come prepared this Sunday! Until then, I pray you have a blessed Christmas!

In His Grace,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas will be here in just a few days. Like you, we are running around trying to get everything ready. Our shopping is just about done and we have only a couple of parties left to attend. Our church choir will soon be sharing the beautiful music of the season. So as we continue to check things off our Christmas to do list, have I made sure I am ready? In all the craziness of this time of year, it is so easy to remember the stuff of Christmas and still forget the true meaning. Christmas is about the incarnation of Christ - That He came to this sinful, dark world as the One true light. He lived a perfect life and laid Himself down on a cross to forgive our sins and rose again three days later to give us life everlasting. The beauty of Christmas is that He came to reconcile sinners to God. Have you placed your trust in Jesus? It is the only way to truly celebrate the meaning of Christmas.

In His Grace,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Every Member a Missionary

It's more than a sermon title or catchy slogan. Every member a missionary is the heart of what it means to be a Christian. For too long churches have made missions and evangelism a program. Much time and energy are spent convincing members to participate in specific church created opportunities to share their faith, but what about everyday life? Jesus did not commission us to reach the world through a church visitation program alone. He has called us to reach our own corner of the world. We need not go very far to see people in need of His grace and mercy. We must learn to see our families, friends, jobs, schools, and communities as our personal mission fields. Yes, churches should seek to reach out to their surrounding communities, but let's not forget that God has called every member to a mission field that is ready for harvest.

Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38